Well... I told ya I'd be real and honest!
At my induction, December 17 2012, I weighed in at 178lbs. Prepregnancy I weighed 139lbs so a 39lb weight gain!
After delivering Rylee, who was 8lbs 3oz, I was sooo excited to weigh myself! Thinking I'd be AT LEAST 10lbs lighter! HA I actually GAINED 5lbs! Say whaaaaaat?! Yeah! I went home December 19 at a whopping 184lbs and stayed that way for a whole week! And I was breastfeeding! I was so swollen it was almost unbearable! My doctor just said to urinate ALOT and it will help! Well for all my mommas ya know that going to the bathroom after having a baby is a dreaded event!
So! Here I am 3 weeks postpartum down to 159lbs! Still feeling disgusting but hey! I did just give birth!
Tiger stripes?! Yes I do! Only on my sides! The ONLY place during my pregnancy I did lather up with some concoction!
I feel very weak! I did some light work outs at home and walked with Rylee and Mark for an hour yesterday... Feeling the burn!
Eeeeeek! I look... Bad! At least from behind! Which I wasn't expecting when I took this picture and looked at it!! Realistically I am giving myself 6 months to be where I want to be :)
1/11/2013 11:20:18 am

You look great, girl! Beautiful family!

6/26/2014 12:46:16 pm

Found your blog on google :) enjoyed reading your three week update and the honesty of your pics. I am currently 3 weeks pp and looking to get me back I added my blog page (http://fitmom2be.weebly.com/blog/1-week-postpartum ) if you want to check it out :) we are similar in that I was 138lbs prior to baby, 173lbs at birth, and now 156lbs at 3 weeks :) look forward to following you


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